FAQs About Salt Water Pools
1. Why would I want saltwater in my pool? I hate the ocean!
The amount of salinity in the water is not like ocean salt water. It is roughly the amount of salt found in a teardrop. Actually, by drinking water standards, most salt pools are considered freshwater. With just a teaspoon of salt per gallon, you won't notice anything but soft silky water. We do not sell the old fashioned systems that only work at high salinity levels.

2. My pool equipment is almost new. Would I have to change it?
A chlorine generator does not replace the pump or filter. Whatever equipment you have now is all you need.

3. My kids have allergies. Will this aggravate that?
Many people report allergy relief from the use of a saltwater pool.

4. But if it's still cleaning the water with chlorine, won't we still have the same problems?
The inline salt generator "charges" the saltwater and produces a pure, natural chlorine in the form of chlorine gas, without the chloramines. It does most of its work in the pipe and then dissipates very quickly. The residual chlorine in your pool is less than a third of what you are accustomed to. That's why you never smell it or experience the red eyes.
5. Our water gets really warm and sometimes we get leaves and junk in the pool and algae is one of our problems.
Chlorine is an excellent algaecide... when applied consistently as with a salt generator. It never forgets.

6. What's the downside? Why doesn't everyone have a salt pool?
They will… Many hotels, commercial and public pools are converting, and most new pool installations are salt systems. Guests love it and often choose one property over another based on the saltwater pool.

7. When I backwash my filter, the water goes on my lawn. Won't the saltwater kill the grass?
No. The mild saline solution is probably easier on the lawn than the highly chlorinated water you are now discharging

8. I've seen pictures of salt corrosion damage to equipment and stone. What about that?
The modern systems use a much lower salt concentration than a few years ago and no longer cause those problems. PH that is too high or too low can shorten equipment life and etch the plaster but human error is usually to blame in these cases. Lastly, poor quality stone may not hold up around a pool, no matter what is in the water. The fact is, millions of people have salt pools with absolutely no problems.

9. Will the salt damage my vinyl liner pool?
To the contrary, most people report significantly longer vinyl life with saltwater. The greatly reduced level of residual chlorine is much kinder to the vinyl.

10. Is it true that I can just turn it on and it takes care of everything?
No, there is no such thing as a "set it and forget it" system. Water quality must be checked on a regular basis and if your pool is overused it will still need to be shocked occasionally (there is a non-chlorine pool and spa shock available.) PH levels tend to run a little higher in salt systems so these levels need to be monitored and corrected. You will need to add salt occasionally, particularly if you backwash a lot, lose water from leaks or just splashing it out of the pool. As you add water to the pool (including rainwater) your salt level will be diluted. The salt cell needs to be inspected, and cleaned once or twice a season. Overall, with the exception of the mild muriatic acid used to clean the salt cell, the chemicals used in adjusting the water balance are generally no more abrasive than baking soda.
Atlantic Pool and Spa Service ..~ ..PO Box 625 ..~ ..Kitty Hawk, NC ..27949 .. .. .. ..252.423.1012